
Healthy Bodies

Hello Bloggers, I am reaching out to those who active, alive, physically, spiritually,and mentally, 65 AND BEYONE! I just recently had a hip replacement. I want to get back to the gym slowly nexT week. If any oF you know of others who want to stay active and creat a support group for weekly walks, x-counrty skiing or biking, please get back to me. I am able to do yoga but in a very limited fashion, FOR 3-4 more weeks. I'l like to connect with others who may have injuries, and recoveries they would like to share! Namaste HEALTHY BODIES UNITE!
I am thinking of having an open house showcasing crystals and jewlery I found at the gem show in West Springfield last weekend. My friend and colleague, Noreen Reilly, will join me in exploring how the gemstones and crytals can be beneficial in shifting your energy and creating powerful manifestations. I am thinking of the date 9/22/23 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Starting with a meditation -invocation-blessing. As more thoughts on this circulate if you have a favorite crystal you would like to bring that makes you empowered, please bring to share. I will send further information as to this wholistic afternoon. Those interested may bring a be sweet edibles refeshment to share. Blessings, Chris... my blodder name....Lightone!


HELLO BLOGGERS, I WANT TO CONNECT TO OTHER WOMEN AS TO THE INNER WORK,As WE ALL GO THROUGH CHANGES IN OUR BODIES,OUR MINDS, OUR SPIRITS THROUGH OUR DAILY LIVES. I also want to create a blog we can share our health challenges. We women dont necessily post on FACEBOOK or to the public our stuggles, only hiding behind the curtain,to face our challenges. Life, even a couple of years ago seemed like a breeze, riding my bike, and walking miles with our walking companions. Once arthritis hit my right hip this April 2023, I have been limited to a walk and have to micro manage my steps. I want women to talk about these limitations and find ways to express the challenges and support one another. If you have a health challenge you would like to share with others and talk about hOw its affecting you, I'ld love to hear from you, what your challenges maybe, for yourself and yourloved ones. Blessings, Chris. Hello I have not seemed to get this blog out . So I contnue to teach myslef how to do ...